Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Review of 2010

2010 was a great year for movies...and a not so good year for games. Either way, a year has passed and I feel I should at least talk about the honorable mentions of the year. To start off with, nothing completed wowed me this year. Usually something does. Hopefully 2011 will bring that "wow" feeling back. Well, let's just dive right in.
A lot of good movies came out this year such as Scott Pilgrim, Toy Story 3, How To Train Your Dragon, Let Me In, Shutter Island, etc. but I really want to talk about the top dogs and my personal favorites.
A Coen Brother's film will almost always make my list so I supposed I could be a little biased for being a critic, but the film was excellent. It had a smart cast, was filmed well, had some subtle funny moments, and still held true to that Coen Brother's "feel." Overall I'd give it a 10/10. It was a great film. Nothing else much to say.
Shutter Island by Martin Scorsese is another one of my picks. Though it was viewed overall as an average movie, I saw more in it than the critics did. I used to not like Leonardo but I've put that aside and I've come to realize that he may be one of the greatest actors out there. The movie had a chilling feel to it as it should've and it even made me think a little bit more about whether becoming a psychologist was actually the right choice. ;) The film had an expected but still nice twist near the end which was a nice touch, but still predictable. The filming was nice but it didn't seem up to par with True Grit. Overall I'd give it an 8.5/10.
And oh yeah, the grand daddies. Inception and Social Network. Inception gets a 10/10 for being so creative, and Social Network gets a 10/10 for excellent cinematography, music, acting, humor, and much much more.
So there you have it. I lied, I'm not dealing with Video Games tonight. I'm tired so I'm going to bed. I'll give you a hint, one of them rhymes with Tack Bops. ;)

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