A lot of good movies came out this year such as Scott Pilgrim, Toy Story 3, How To Train Your Dragon, Let Me In, Shutter Island, etc. but I really want to talk about the top dogs and my personal favorites.
A Coen Brother's film will almost always make my list so I supposed I could be a little biased for being a critic, but the film was excellent. It had a smart cast, was filmed well, had some subtle funny moments, and still held true to that Coen Brother's "feel." Overall I'd give it a 10/10. It was a great film. Nothing else much to say.
Shutter Island by Martin Scorsese is another one of my picks. Though it was viewed overall as an average movie, I saw more in it than the critics did. I used to not like Leonardo but I've put that aside and I've come to realize that he may be one of the greatest actors out there. The movie had a chilling feel to it as it should've and it even made me think a little bit more about whether becoming a psychologist was actually the right choice. ;) The film had an expected but still nice twist near the end which was a nice touch, but still predictable. The filming was nice but it didn't seem up to par with True Grit. Overall I'd give it an 8.5/10.
And oh yeah, the grand daddies. Inception and Social Network. Inception gets a 10/10 for being so creative, and Social Network gets a 10/10 for excellent cinematography, music, acting, humor, and much much more.
So there you have it. I lied, I'm not dealing with Video Games tonight. I'm tired so I'm going to bed. I'll give you a hint, one of them rhymes with Tack Bops. ;)