What is it about Dead Space that makes it so horrifying? Is it the music that makes your skin crawl, or the cries from your enemies as they sprint toward you, or is it just the fact that you're on an abandoned vessel in space, and you have no one to help you? I'd say all of the above and more! Dead Space also offers amazing graphics, an intriguing storyline, and great new features never before seen in games. What new features you ask? How about this? You can use an item called "Stasis" to dramatically slow down your enemies so your can kill them much easier. You can use melee attacks to kill your enemies, such as stepping or hitting them with your gun. You have a wide variety of weapons at your disposal such as the plasma cutter, pulse rifle, line gun, force gun, contact gun, ripper, and flamethrower. I'm not going to explain what they do though, for it would ruin the surprise! Oh, did I mention that in order to kill the enemies, you have to shoot/stomp/hit off their limbs? Shooting them in the torso does very minimal damage, even on easy mode.
My favorite feature of Dead Space is actually the store. You can buy virtually anything, as long as you find the schematic for the particular item, which you find in the game. (It's not difficult at all) You can even buy power nodes, which upgrade your weapons, rig, stasis, and kinesis. The problem is they cost 10,000 bucks, so for the first run through, you should probably just find them in the game.
Though Dead Space is rather short, normally beaten in under 10 hours, those are probably some of the best ten hours of gaming you will do for a long time. And once you beat the game, it's not over. You can replay on the file you just beat and do another round with all of your weapons and upgrades. Pretty cool huh? You also unlock Impossible Mode, which is for the true gamer. I have beaten it, and I'm proud to say so. It is very difficult. I'm talking punishing difficult. You're going to die a lot. Dead Space is the best survival game of 2008. 93/100
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