Saturday, May 29, 2010

Resident Evil 4 (better late than never)

RE4 is one of those games that leaves its audience in complete aw. It's the most you could ever ask for in a video game. It has a compelling storyline, incredible voice acting, a large variety of weapons, and challenging boss fights. Not to mention the amazing graphics. The graphics rival the best wii game graphics. There is also replay value in RE4. When you beat the game you can keep all your money and your upgraded weapons and items. You can buy infinite rockets or a typewriter with infinite ammo for 1,000,000 dollars a piece. It sounds steep, but a few runthroughs of the game and you'll have them in no time. When you beat the game for the first time, you also unlock two modes called mercenaries and assignment ada which both add to the overall quality of the game. With all of the great features RE4 has to offer, it would seem silly to not own it. It's that good of a game. The best. Really. 100/100